FAQ Help
- Noritomosan is a japanese community to find friends and travel in Japan
- It allows you to create plans with members who share a common purpose/destination and to travel together.
- Since we also post latest information on Facebook, don't hesitate to share or follow us please.
- (https://www.facebook.com/noritomosan)
About public member information
- ・ Your name, first name, email, phone number won't be publicly displayed
- ・ Your member profile information, car registration, plans ,comments ,assessments and history of title's plans are public and can be seen by anyone
- ・ Meeting photo can be seen only between the organizer and you. Other members won't see anything
Increase the safety and reliability of the members
*When you click on [Create a plan](or want to answer to a member) or [Join as participant], your profile information, SMS check and Meeting photo are required
Also, if you create a topic and want to share an URL, the SMS check process is required
- 【SMS (Short mail) Authentication】
- ・ By using our phonenumber's checker by SMS (Short Mail Service), we can check your authenticity
- ・ Except for the SMS check process, we won't use your phone number for anything else
- 【Meeting photo Authentication】
- ・ During your first meeting with the organizer of the plan, only get into the car after having matched all participants to their registered Meeting photos, (check also the driving license of the driver)
- 【Driving license copy】※Not public
- 【Noritomosan status】
- ・ Your noritomosan status appears in your profile as diamonds. Calculation is performed according to your level of personal information of identification and your utilization rate on Noritomosan.
- ・ To know more about how we compute your status, please have a look at [Basic Information]- > [Noritomosan status] in your dashboard
How can members contact each other
- ・ Private messages can only be exchanged between an organizer and participants who have been accepted
- ・ In case of system trouble, we advise members to exchange contact information in advance, using other means of contact besides Noritomosan (optional)
- Please try one of the following 4 methods
- ・ 「Search terms」-> Reduce your terms of search
- ・ 「Keywords」-> Noritomosan will look up at the content of all titles and plan details)
- ・ 「Alert」 -> You can register both an event alert or a classic alert. Enter your email to receive any plans maching your criteria
- ・ 「member with neither a driving licence nor a car」, you can still create a plan as 「looking for a driver」by clicking on「Create a plan」 in the header
- ・ The total fees per person for joining a plan will consist exclusively of travelling expenses (gasoline, road tolls, parking) divided between members. In case of a surplus at the end of a plan, the total refund must be adjusted and split evenly between all members
- ・ Please be aware that, except for the transportation fees quoted above, any fees demanded for the purposes of making a profit or any violation of road transport laws such as taking passengers and charge them without an appropriate license may incur severe legal penalties
- Please use our inquiry form (Contact) on Noritomosan. Your inquiry will be sent to
- [email protected] (24h)
- 【Email or errors system contact support】
- Weekdays 18:00-24:00(JST)